Monday, February 07, 2005


If you are an artist,writer, composer, or creative thinker, what inspires you? Do you have a Muse? My 'muse' if you will, is a place. The island I grew up on - Kodiak. My island lies in the Pacific Gulf of Alaska. She is huge, and I could never encompass her entirety in my gaze, even from a plane. Her beaches, forests, ponds, streams, bays, and flowers, plants, fish, birds, and her seasons and weather- from winter winds and rain to soft summer nights - have been the source of my creativity since I was a young girl. She was my playmate, my mother, my solace and love ever since I can remember. I wrote a daily journal, scores of poems, drew pictures, made carvings and masks while I lived on my island, inspired by the fierce breakers, gentle waves, warm winds, soft birdsong, and the spirits of my ancestors who roam the coasts and forest paths.

But I moved away from Alaska 7 years ago, and have since found my creative drive dwindling. There have been other reasons why my creativity has waned, to be sure. But now, even when my energy has returned, along with my health, I still cannot return to my former level of creativity. There are little spurts here and there, but nothing compares to what it was before.

Perhaps its the hustle and bustle of life here - Kodiak is such a sleepy place, where the pace of life speeds up only for the hectic fishing seasons, but most of her inhabitants still shuffle along. There is little traffic to speak of - there being such a little road system. You can drive about 60 miles south of Town, and about 10 miles north. Maybe another 20 to the west. Most of the island is rugged mountainous terrain, home to the giant Kodiak Grizzlies, or rough rocky coast.

Or maybe I'm just a Wild Child - who will never be happy anywhere else - destined to be unhappy, because if I go back, I face my partner cleaving from me, refusing to live on the wild outpost of the Last Frontier, inundated by rain and fog and fog and rain, and wind.

Have you experienced a similar dry spell - especially one you attribute to leaving a place?

Go see some pictures of my former world here:
and here:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How happy I am to see your blog is coming along & happy for you too. This post is a very thoughtful and well-written one and hard to answer. I guess we all have our "dry spells' and need to find a way to ride them out. For me it helps to work in a studio with other artists. Also, I go back and look at earlier work and find new inspiration from them. Can you use your memories of your earlier life to inspire you, Jackie?

I love your masks - thanks for sharing!

1:01 AM  
Blogger Elderberry Studio said...

Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog! I suppose sometimes I'm just feeling sorry for myself. My life is much busier here, but I can make time to work on things. If I had time to be productive while raising my son as a single parent, and helping out my mother and nephew - we all lived in my mother's house - then I have no excuse now! I do find inspiration in groups of artists. I have friends who have an art school in Bozeman, MT, and they have invited me to come teach a mask-making workshop this spring. I'm really looking forward to it!

5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kodiak Island sounds like a peaceful and beautiful place. Hope you'll recover your muse back.........

8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jackie!
You never mentioned that you started a cool! I'll put up a link to you in my blog roll.

As for your question, I don't know what inspires me, honestly I think it's chemical (brain chemistry). Because when it ain't there, it just ain't there! I can't force it, and then like magic, BOOM it comes back all at once and usually I haven't done or seen anything differently.

That's just me though, I have a mood disorder and all. :)

Anyway, welcome to the blogsphere!

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings Elderberry I was looking for dream information and I landed on your pages. While this post was not excatly what I was looking for , I like your blog Great Stuff. I'll bookmark it for future visits. If you have time check out dream , Ok thanks for the read , take care.

6:28 AM  
Blogger Elderberry Studio said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie love your blog. I came across it while looking for dream interpretation. I know this post is not an exact match but thanks for the read. I'll get on with my search for dream interpretation stuff and will visit again sometime. Take Care

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How ya doing Jackie, Hope you are having a good day. Your this post site is most interesting. I was looking for dream dictionary related information when I came across it. Thanks for the read. I have a site that may interest you come and visit sometime, dream dictionary thanks again, take care.

8:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jackie How you doing? While searching for dream well just surfing really. I found your blog. I was into dream or looking for such things but I'm so tired Ican't stay awake any longer. now I'm not making any sense, see ya.! ZZZZzzzzz

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie it never ceases to amaze me how creative people are, especailly the young ones, gives me hope for the future. Anyway I was looking for information on dream and landed on your page. I was looking more for dream so this post wasn't an exact match but I enjoyed reading your posts. Take Care. I'll bookmark your blog for future.

8:09 PM  

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