Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Also over the last weekend, I heard from my artist friend, Vicki, who lives in Bozeman, MT. She and her business partners have a a one-room-schoolhouse art school up in Bear Canyon. Last year, I went there and taught a 2-day maskmaking workshop - which was a blast! So - they want me to come back again this spring! I am really 'stoked' about it (as my son would say). Vicki's friend Steel sent us 3 boxes of cottonwood bark from the West side of Kodiak Island, where his fishing camp is located. He gathered this driftwood in short time. I had never seen such huge pieces of bark - and I've been gathering and carving it for over 15 years. The students turned out great work, and a good time was had by all.

Teaching is fun, and inspiring in a different sort of way than taking a workshop is. I enjoy sharing my knowledge, and working with people. Plus, I got to meet some cool new people, and visit with my friend, and see some beautiful country! Cowboy up! (that is so not me!)

Forgot to mention in my last post - that while in Fremont, we visited the famed Fremont Troll who lives under the Fremont Bridge. Another couple was there taking their photos with the Troll, and they graciously offered to snap ours. Awww!


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